Standalone Accessible Element

Safe Workstation Resources

It is important that employees that work with computers (or other devices that have a screen plus a keyboard plus mouse or other input device) are given guidance on a safe working setup.

Employers should:

  • analyse workstations to assess and reduce risks
  • ensure that workstations meet specified minimum requirements
  • plan work activities so that they include breaks or changes of activity
  • provide eye and eyesight tests on request, and special spectacles if needed
  • provide information and training

Some common health problems associated with working at a desk or other workstation are:

  • upper limb disorders (including pains in the neck, arms, elbows, wrists, hands and fingers) and Often known as repetitive strain/stress injury or ‘RSI’
  • Back ache
  • fatigue and stress
  • temporary eye strain (but not eye damage) and headaches

Top tips on working from home

Many employees now work from home either full or part time. It is just as important that there home working setup is safe. We have an excellent guide to working from home.

Regulations and guidance

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work has published an article that outlines the legal requirement in the EU for employers to pay for eye checks and glasses. The question of whether an employer actually has to bear this cost must be answered by referring to European Directive 90/270/EEC on the minimum safety and health requirements for work with display screen equipment.

Article 9 of this directive states that employees must be able to undergo an appropriate eye and eyesight examination before starting to work with a display screen, or at regular intervals or when visual disturbances resulting from working with a display screen occur. If this examination shows that an ophthalmological examination is required, employees must be able to undergo it.

If the general or ophthalmological examination shows that normal corrective appliances cannot be used, special corrective appliances related to the work concerned must be obtained. In addition, the article stipulates that under no circumstances may this entail additional costs for the employees.

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