Standalone Accessible Element

Marking a case as complete without implementing all adjustments

We have implemented new functionality when a manager or administrator marks a profile as complete. In this situation, the manager or administrator must select whether all of the adjustments in the profile were completed or not. This is indicated by selected the appropriate option below the case complete option. The manager or administrator can also add comments.

Not all adjustments are implemented #

In the instance that “All adjustments not implemented is selected then the manager or administrator is required to complete the comments box to explain the reason the profile is being marked as complete without all adjustments being implemented. Additionally, the following things will happen:

  1. An email notification will be sent to the individual letting them know that their profile has been marked as complete without all adjustments being implemented. The comments entered by the manager or administrator will also be copied in the email. If they do not agree with the status change then they can contact their manager or administrator to query the completion status.
  2. An email notification will be sent to the person that marked the profile as complete (manager or administrator) confirming their action and includes the comments they added
  3. An email notification will be sent to the HR team (generally a shared inbox) to let them know that a profile has been marked complete without all adjustments being implemented
  4. Any profiles with this status will be included in a new report available to administrators with appropriate permissions.

All adjustments are implemented #

In the instance that “all adjustments implemented” is selected, the following things will happen:

  1. any comments are optional.
  2. An email notification will be sent to the individual letting them know that their profile has been marked as complete. If they do not agree then they can contact their manager to query the completion status.
What are your feelings
Updated on February 12, 2024
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