Standalone Accessible Element

Clear Talents at Work – January 11th 2017

New Features/Enhancements

  1. Enhanced section on Mental Health in the More About Me section

    Previously in the More About Me section at the end of the questionnaire, Mental Health was underneath the Health section.  We’ve now created a top level section with the title Mental Health to make this more accessible. If that section is ticked then there are four areas in which an individual can provide additional information:

    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Bereavement, loss or grief
    • Other

    Ticking any of these will expand specific options for providing more information.

  2. Updated sort order for reports in the manager’s view

    When a manager goes to their account, they see a list of reports that have been shared with them . We have updated the default sort order to be based on the “Adjustments” column in the following sort order:

    • Adjustments = “Yes” are listed first
    • Adjustments = “Done” are listed second
    • Adjustments = “No” are listed third

    Within these groups, all reports are listed in descending date order with the most recent first.  This ensures that the reports which need to be reviewed are always at the top of the list.

  3. Updates to cookie policy and settings pages

    We’ve simplified the language in our cookie policy and moved it to a new location. We’ve also added updated information on how to change your cookie settings

  4. Date picker format updated

    We’ve updated the format for dates in the date picker to be aligned with the date formats that people are used to using.

Bug Fixes

  • We have fixed a number of minor spelling and grammatical errors
  • We fixed an issue where in certain use cases, an “insecure” message would be displayed by the browser during the registration process
  • fixed an issue where some dashboard reports failed due to date formats




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