New Features/Enhancements
- Update to dashboard statistics
We have changed the way dashboard statistics are calculated to make them more representative of real usage, particularly where users are uploaded into the system. The main changes are identified with the numbered labels in the image below.
1. We have changed the total active users number to only reflect the number of users who have activated their accounts. Previously this number also included any users who had been uploaded but had not activated their account. You will see this number go down from the number you previously saw.
2. We have updated the “Reports submitted” number to only include reports that have been submitted. Previously this include reports which had been started but not submitted. Again, you will see this number be lower than previously reported.If you would like to take advantage of the user upload functionality, please contact Clear Talents directly. - New export capability from reports page
We have added the ability to export the specific set of data displayed on the report page. This enables you to filter the reports view as required and then export just that list to a csv file so you can then use the information as required. To export this data, click the Export button (highlighted in the image below) at the top of the reports page.
The csv file will be downloaded to your pc with the following fields being included:
First Name, Surname, Email, Profile report, Manager email, Shared with manager, Date when profile was submitted, Date when profile was last modified, Date when profile was first viewed by manager, Adjustments required, Latest report profile status, Date when status was last updated/comment added. In addition, if your organisation uses custom fields, these will also be included in the export. - New notification message behaviour for reports restricted from the line manager
When an individual submits a report but restricts it from their manager we have updated the process for notifying administrators when an organisation is using the internal assessment process. If the report is a DSE only report then a notification email will be sent to the members of the DSE Assessor role group. If the report is a Full report then notification emails are sent to the members of the OH Assessor role group. I the organisation is not using the internal assessment process OR if either of the role groups have no members then notification emails will be sent to organisation administrators. A link showing the number of people who have submitted reports restricted from their line mangers that have not yet been marked as all adjustments complete will still be displayed on the pending action section of the organisation administrator dashboard
Bug Fixes
- Made some changes to dashboard labels to improve consistency
- Fixed a problem where users who registered themselves were not being displayed in the approval queue in some circumstances
- Fixed an issue where the Workspace icon was not checked when the DSE questionnaire was completed
- Fixed an error in the upload user audit log related to situations where a users manager is archived
- Made some minor updates to improve the clarity of status and error messages
- Fixed a bug where a page with no content was sometimes displayed when a user tried to edit their previously submitted profile